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FAQs for AirNav FBOs iPhone App

Do I have to have a User ID and Password on to use the AirNav FBO App?
Yes. You can sign up when you open the app, or you can sign up on Your unique user ID will enable you to keep personal preferences, and will also allow you to use the app on both your iPhone and iPad.

Is the app optimized or the iPad?
No, not at this time. This app is really designed for use on an iPhone, though you can download it to an iPad and view larger font in 2x view. Alternatively, have you tried using Safari on the iPad to browse It displays rather nicely.

Do I have to get two user IDs to use the app on both my iPhone and my iPad?
No, one user ID will work on both. Just make sure you log in with the same user ID.

Can I view airports, FBOs and prices while in airplane mode?
Yes. Airport and FBO data is stored on the app, and updated when there are changes. For fuel prices, because there are so many and they change so frequently, you have to explicitly query and save. Just make a search for prices at an airport, by nearby, or along a route, while connected to the internet, then be sure to push the blue "Save" button on the results page. Your results will be saved to your iPhone, and you can recall them any time you don't have internet access.

Are the fuel prices on the App the same as on
Yes, all the information on the app is derived from the the same source as the website. If you have saved queries the price may have fallen out of date, but you can simply hit "Refresh" and that query will synch again to your iPhone.

Does Fuel Along a Route find every airport between two points?
Mostly, but to conserve space we bracket to search between 10 and 50 miles depending on the overall distance. Also you can exclude airports by specifying a minimum runway length.

If I am an AirBoss® Member, are the prices I am shown Retail or AirBoss or Both?
We show one price per type of fuel and service level, and the prices shown are always the lowest, so if you are an AirBoss® member we show you AirBoss® prices where applicable, and retail prices where AirBoss® is not applicable.

If I call an FBO by clicking the FBO telephone number shown, or use Google Maps to find an FBO, or send them an email does it quit the App?
Sort of. The app may go into the background. When you return to the app it should be right back to when you left. Unless, of course, the iPhone decides to stop the app that was placed in the background for memory management.

Can I file a flight plan and/or check weather?
No, this app is dedicated to making quick reference of fuel prices, FBO information and minimum airport data.

Other questions?
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